Interested in organizations, worksheets, videos, and general support? I will continually be adding to and updating this page, so if you don’t see what you are looking for, let me know and check back soon!
For starters, here’s a great site of National and WA State information, compiled by
Resources coming soon
Resources coming soon
Workplace Bullying (abusive conduct at work)
Workplace Bullying and Disruptive Behavior ( PDF)
Podcast episode about codependence
Adult and Child Protective Services 1.866.363.4276
Crisis Hotline: 1.800.584.3578
Nation Runaway Switchboard 1.800.RUNAWAY
National Youth Crisis Hotline 1.800.448.4663
Veterans Crisis Line 1.800.273.8255 then press 1
WA Poison Center 1.866.222.1222
Disordered Eating
National Eating Disorders Association
Scholarly article about EDs 1 (PDF)
Scholarly article about EDs 2 (PDF)
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence guidelines for WA state
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1.800.799.7233
WA Domestic Violence Hotline 1.800.5632.6025
WA State Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN) 1.800.656.4673
Drugs and Alcohol
Al-Anon/Al-Teen 1.800.344.2666
Alcohol and Drug Helpline 1.800.252.6465
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 1.800.925.7370
WA Recovery Help Line 1.866.789.1511
Grief, Loss, and Depression
Depression Screening Self-Test
Hospice Line Information and Referral 1.800.331.1620
WA State Hospice and Palliative Care Organization 1.866.661.3739
Resources coming soon
Indigenous Perspective and Shamanism
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Four Directions Teachings(video)
Indigenous issues(videos)
Our Quest For Social Sustainable Systems(video)
The value of ceremony and ritual
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: Health Professional Advancing LGBT Equality
Adult Hotline 1.888.843.4564
Youth Hotline (through age 25) 1.800.246.7743
National Center For Transgender Equality
Pride Institute for Gay and Lesbian Mental Health 1.800.54-PRIDE
Trevor Project (Crisis & Suicide Intervention for LGBTQ youth) 1.866.488.7386
Mindfulness and Meditation
Foundation For Active Compassion
Vipassana Meditation, as taught by S.N. Goenka
FREE Online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class
Wellspring Institute For Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom
Native American
Resources coming soon
Resources coming soon
How to Talk so Children Will Listen workshop(video)
Parenting and Brain Science(video)
Parenting For a Peaceful World(video)
Psychedelic (Entheogen) Therapy
Resources coming soon
Relationships and Communication
Better Marriages: Educating Couples, Building Relationships
Center for Nonviolent Communication
Couples Communication Enrichment Program
Couples exercises 1(PDF)
DHHS: Office of Family Assistance
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples: Key Concepts(PDF)
Feelings inventory(PDF)
Gottman Institute YouTube page
NVC basic process(PDF)
NVC introduction(video)
Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program
Relationship assessment for couples
Mindful Self Compassion, Christopher Germer, Ph.D
Self-Compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff
Self-harm and Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Hotlines 1.800.784.2433 or 1.800.273.8255
Book: Healing the Shame That Binds You(PDF)
Brene Brown “Listening to Shame” TED Talk
Brene Brown “The Power of Vulnerability” TED Talk
Shame worksheet(PDF)
Gift From Within (for survivors of PTSD)
Webcasts and podcasts about PTSD